I've always been a glass half full kind of gal, loving God, loving life and being outside and spending time with family. Living Life to the fullest is in my DNA.
For me, my positive fun world got rocked in January 2019, when I suddenly lost the love of my life to cardiac arrest while at our lake cabin. Talk about suck - right? Then came the grief, sleepless nights, widow fog (oh my gosh I thought I must have a brain tumor), confusion and just getting through the days. During that same year my daughter lost 2 babies, I hurt so bad for her and for me and didn't know how to find strength to be her support and that really hurt me (in fact, I felt like I was failing as mom as I didn't know how to help my girls and grands through their grief). Then as if the year hadn't handed me enough bad, my best friend since 2nd grade passed away in October (ok enough - I give!)
I knew I wanted to be the best version of me I could be but "Who am I as a Me and not a WE?" I was stuck - I had no idea. After 38 years of marriage, literally married at 18 and never ever thinking about not being with him. I couldn't even imagine what my life would look like, couldn't even dream or imagine a future (I didn't even know what day it was sometimes). I knew I wanted 2019 over, but that meant the 1st anniversaries would be coming, I wasn't ready yet to handle that - was I?
I'd tried Grief programs, read books, listened to several podcast and one day I came across a podcast that introduced me to life coaching. My coach specialized in Grief for Moms, "hey I'm a mom, I have grief" so I contacted her and let me tell you it was life changing for me. I learned to allow my feelings (on purpose even) and how to process them, to make space for them. I learned to manage my mind around all the thoughts (why me, why him, I can't do this alone, I don't want to do this alone, it's too much, too many losses and so many more thoughts that didn't serve me). Most important, this work helped me realize I wanted to feel JOY again and it showed me I can choose whatever I want in my life. I can dream again. I can Choose Joy!
Life Coaching is too good to keep quiet. Everyone needs a life coach but for sure widows and those hurting do. I decided I want to help other women Choose Joy in their loss (whether by loved ones death or unwanted divorce) so, I became a Certified Life Coach to share this fantastic work with you.
My why is to be an example of Joy after grief and loss and become the fullest expression of myself and to help others do the same. What can you expect from life coaching? You can love him (them), miss him (them), cry, scream whatever your grief looks like and still Choose Joy in every day. Let me show you how you can take back your life, look forward to creating your future and to dream again and take him (them) along with you.
p.s. I can help you